April 3, 2018

Business Analysis Coaching


The purpose of coaching is to enable individuals to improve the way they approach specific situations or activities. The coaching interventions generally take place following these steps:

1. Relationship building

2. Setting goals and objectives

3. Observation and evaluation

4. Planning and strategy

5. Action and integration

6. Feedback

7. Long-term follow-up

Coaching is based on a relationship of trust without which no significant change can occur. That is why, during the first meetings, one freely discusses the goals and objectives that one wishes to achieve. In the end, goals are set and based on them, an assessment of strengths, weaknesses and achievements is made. The approach calls for an evaluation by the coach as well as a self-evaluation. Evaluation measures the ability to use the techniques specific to the targeted area.

During the following meetings: we trace a course in which learning activities are defined and then we measure the progress

We finish the coaching when the participant considers that he has achieved his objectives. Ultimately, coaching allows the participant to improve their own approach and to continue their own progress. The coach remains available for specific questions.

The benefits of coaching are multiple. It allows the participant to take the necessary time for introspection. Indeed, all too often the difficulties come from a habit of repeating the same ineffective behaviors without having had the time to realize it and to adjust. The assessment allows the participant to become aware of the importance of taking breaks and wondering if he is really doing the right things. The space of reflection arranged during the coaching should lead the participant to reserve a time of reflection in his daily practice.

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